Friday, March 9, 2007


They were following the robin to find the faun but all of a sudden the robin flew so far that they lost him. Then they find Mr. Beaver looking at them behind a big tree. Instead finding Mr. Beaver they had found the witch’s dwarf.

They found a dwarf and not sure if they can believe him or not. Edmond knew that he’s the witch’s servant so he keeps telling Peter and Susan to follow him. However Lucy is against Edmond since she has this weird and not good feeling about this dwarf. The children finally made a decision to follow him because they realize that they have nowhere to go in Narnia. The dwarf leads them in to the witch’s castle and when they got in side, they saw many statues of creatures. All the children were interested in it except for Lucy, who she thinks this is a castle of the white witch. Edmond thinks he will be the prince, and later on the king, since he has succeeded the witch’s request. They were taking each step closer to the witch’s room then all of a sudden Lucy finds Mr. Tumnus, the faun! Lucy was horrified and yelled that this was the faun that saved her life. Everything happened at once; the children run for their lives and the dwarf tells the wolf, the witch’s police, to go after them. The witch finds out and the children is desperately finding a place to hide. Aslan is coming to Narnia but he has to go inside the witch’s castle to rescue them. He is the lord of the whole woods so he’ll be able to kill the witch and save the children.



Lucy is the last of the 4 children and is very pure and truthful hearted. She’s a justice person because she desperately wants to save the faun from the witch. I liked her a lot since she reminded me of those 5-year-olds who are very cute and pure.Edmond always bullies his little sister Lucy and betrays his side. By knowing this fact, you can see that he’s greedy and is mean to people who are younger than him. He was the one that I least. Later on I changed my mind a little bit because he fought the war with all his strength and that moved me.Aslan was a lion who is the king of Narnia. He comes to Narnia to save Narnia from what the witch had done to this country. He sacrifices his life to save Edmond but later on resuscitation. He’s very gentle but is ferocious to the evil. I was touched and was mournful when he was killed by the witch and her followers. However I’m glad that the author revived him and had a happy ending.The white witch, who she calls herself the queen of Narnia, is very cruel and covetousness. She made Narnia always winter and kills human beings because they might take the throne. I know there has to be the bad person to make the story interesting but this one was really terrible. What I hate the most about the witch, was that she turned people in to statues. I felt strange to read the description about the collection of statues she had in her castle. The witch reminded me of communism and dystopian society.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Foreshadowing - Edmond eats “Turkish delight.”

The witch gives Edmond hot drink and Turkish Delight which was formed by a drop fall on the snow. “Each piece was sweet and light to the very center and Edmond had never tasted anything more delicious.”(p.37)
It was so good that Edmond kept on shoveling it the Turkish Delights into his mouth and had aftertastes when he finished it. He wanted more and asked the witch but she refused him. She said if he brings all his siblings to her house, then she will give him rooms full of Turkish Delight. The reason why Edmond kept on finding Turkish Delight is because the witch had put something into it. “Probably the Queen knew, though Edmund did not, that this was enchanted Turkish Delight and that anyone who had once tasted it would want more and more of it, and would even, if they were allowed, go on eating it till they killed themselves.”(p.38) Everyone knows that the white witch is a horrible person. However only Edmond thinks the witch is a kind person since the witch treated him kindheartedly and people who take amiss of her are her enemies.
This is an indication that Edmond will betray others and help the witch. This can be the start of the conflict between the white witch and Aslan. Eventually Edmond betrays and was saved from the witch. The witch comes back and has a conversation with Aslan telling: “You know that every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to a kill.”(p.142)

Monday, March 5, 2007

TRJ3 - Q and A

Do you think Aslan made a sound judgement about Edmond when having a discussion with the witch? Explain your reasons to your answer. Also tell me your thoughts about Aslan.

No, I think he made a wrong decision of sacrificing his life to save Edmond from the witch. I understand that Aslan is powerless of “Emperor's Deep Magic.” Still, he is the “God of Narnia” so he should have known another way to solve this problem. Narnia is controlled over by him so if he dies, then the country will die at the same time.
For instance, when presidents don’t govern his/her countries well almost everything automatically decreases. Fortunately in the end, Aslan revives and that’s what made the story a happy ending. However, if he died and didn’t resuscitate I would think Aslan is not wise in spite of the fact that he is a king.
The fact that Aslan sacrifice himself for someone, who betrayed his side and might have ruined Narnia, was touching. In real life, many people don’t even consider other people because of their own profits. That’s why Aslan amazed me and reminded me of Jesus’s love agape; just loving and caring about someone without any reason or returns. Since Aslan is the “king” I thought he wouldn’t have any flaws but was sad to realize that he couldn’t resist the deep magic. I want to praise him for being courageous like a warrior and concerning others like Jesus. I was able to learn some important lessons while knowing about Aslan.


Dear to the sweetest girl Lucy,

Greetings Lucy!
It’s freezing outside!
I already got used to the weather but I still miss the spring and of course, Christmas.
How’s the weather like in Spare Oom in War Drobe? Is it still summer?
I kept on thinking about the day we spent marvelous time together and how cruel for me to even think about giving you to the white witch!
I know you forgave me, but I still wanted to say sorry for the last time about what I was planning to do. I deeply regret what I have done in the past to other children and promised myself that I will never ever kidnap children again.
I realized how sweet and generous you were and had a second thought about “Sons of Adams” and “Daughters of Eve.”
Speaking of Adams and Eve, come over to my house with your siblings if you have one. I will be happy to serve brown eggs, sardines on toast, buttered toast, toast with honey, sugar-topped cake and much more!
These days I feel uneasiness all the time since I’m scared that the white witch will find out that you were with me. Just thinking about turning into a stone or the fact that I might turn into a hideous creature terrifies me.
I really really hope that she doesn’t find out and we still can meet out of her sight.
I had enough of being a kidnapper for her and I’m wishing that Aslan would come to Narnia. If he comes, the witch will die and Narnia would be a place full of beauty again!
I’m earnestly waiting for your reply so write me a letter as soon as possible!

Tumnus the Faun

Sunday, March 4, 2007


I started to dislike Edmond at the first place since he ignores and jeers at his little sister, Lucy. Even though he saw Narnia, he wouldn’t support Lucy’s statement because he needed the plan, which was made with the witch, to be successful. I had goosebumps when Edmond had the thought of that.
Then I was very disappointed when Edmond betrayed his brothers and sisters and went to the witch. He knew that the witch was a horrible person who made people into stones. However, he thought in a “positive way” that the witch will give him Turkish delights and give him the seat of the prince and later on the king. I couldn’t understand why he would still go for the witch anyway. It’s a childish and selfish thought of him; thinking about making his siblings into servants and him a king. I felt kind of satisfied rather than pitiful, when Edmund’s wrists were tied back and was walking like a slave with the dwarf. I’m sure that it gave him a lesson how cruel that witch was and how comfortable it is to be with his siblings. I was sorrowful and enraged at the same time, when Aslan had to be in an agonizing situation with the witch and her followers, just because of Edmond. If Edmond didn’t start this at the first place, everything would have been progressed fluently; the witch would die and Narnia would be a significant place.
There was one part when I was happy and it’s where Peter, Susan and Lucy forgives Edmond and forgets what Edmond has done in the past.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Log #8 - This book made me realize

The book made me look back upon my friendships and my family. Friendship is a complex relation, particularly in teens. It looked and felt good how the friends, in the story, care for each other and always be there in hard times. It made me think who I am as a friend and get to question myself, ‘am I a good friend?’
The characters mostly have either no parents or awful parents. It showed how parents can influence their child’s life. I felt really lucky and thankful having my parents both alive and take care of me everyday. I live today because of them and should always have respect to them.